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Full House OST - I Think I (Guitar Instrumental)
So, I decided to put my Yahoo! account to use and put up some photo albums. It's nothing in comparison to Victoria's, and never will be anything to compare with since I have such a crappy camera, but I have found a use for it: throwing it. I've decided to give Camera Tossing a try. Here's what came out on my first attempt:

Interesting stuff. My dad was watching me the first time, though I told him not to, then he came out and told me that I'm crazy, which I told him that he would think. I guess I shouldn't have said anything, then he would've left me alone, but he kept on trying to make me come inside. He even threatened me and said something like, "I don't like it when you do crazy stuff" as if I were about to go out and sell some weed. Jeez. It's freaking.. stupid. It's kinda crazy, I guess, but look at my camera. It's worth throwing, dammit. And the outcome is nice. =D Yay~! By the way, these are my Christmas lights, in case you didn't realize. COMMENTS?!!?!?!
Mates of State - Goods
Yah, you know how I said that Benihana is the worst idea ever and that if we wanted Japanese food, we could go somewhere authentic? Yah.. so we've decided to go to Benihana. I had nothing to do with this decision, really. I'm not eating dinner because money is a killer, and it kills me oh-so-good. Some people just decided that Benihana would be a good idea since it would be with the class, but man, Benihana still sucks. Oh well, I don't care since I won't be eating and I'll be eating a packed meal in the car on the way back. Cheap? Very. =]
I always end up sleeping late. I don't know how, but I need to find out and fix it. (Yah, I know blogging doesn't help >_>)
So, still on the topic of JLPT and SF, Robert says that he and his posse (Sean, Tim, and Lawrence) want to come along to karaoke. Note: The other half of our group bailed cuz they suck. Wow, they really suck a lot. I want more people to go for fun, so I don't mind that, but at the same time, would I go all out crazy with them there? I don't talk to any of them except Robert, and even that's a slim amount. I would like to think I'd be myself, but I don't know. I'm the type that gets shy really easily, yet comfortable easily with close(r) friends. Bit of a conundrum. I guess I'm just going to ask the karaoke-goers and see how it weighs out. If you're going and are interested in karaoke, IM me or something. Then I'll tell you yes or no. Haha. Sad, but yes, I don't exactly talk to everyone in my Japanese class. Still, not like anyone reads this. (COMMENT, DAMN YOU! No love for me. =[) Well, even if it's just us 5 girls (we need to pick up some guys at Eastridge or something.. Dx That's horrific.), we'll have mad fun (But really, we need guys. It's a karaoke box.. this calls for some debauchery ;] though I wouldn't partake in any.. Wow, I really suck too.).
Back to stupid Japanese hw. Wth is Yamanakako?! The inside child (wrong kanji, I know) of the mountain?!
I hate the X-chromosome. Burn!
I hate Eastridge.
I won't do it. ><
30 Seconds To Mars - Attack
Happy Thanksgiving, guys. I'm pretty sick of food right now. Dx After our Thanksgiving meal, I was full, but my parents made me eat more, so I was close to throwing up.
Speaking of my Thanksgiving meal, I woke up at noon today and realized our meal was supposed to be at noon, so I went downstairs to see that most everything was ready. I thought that we needed a better side dish though (our macaroni and cheese was the instant kind >_> I guess that's what I get for not helping out). Plus, we only had 2 bottles of cider! NOT ENOUGH! So John and I rushed to Safeway, and we got biscuits (bake yourself), 2 more bottles of cider, and macaroni salad from the deli corner. [WARNING! RANT!] Ohhhh man! If it weren't for John, I would've totally snapped at some little Asian woman. Before that, I was in line, and some chick was talking to her mom in Vietnamese of having to get a pound of something behind me. I didn't notice till she was ordering that she miraculously got from behind me to in front of me. I wasn't sure if she was behind me in line or not, so I didn't say anything. There was a lady next to me in line (they formed a horizontal line) and she was standing next to that girl, so I assumed she was with her. Note: this lady asked John and I while we were in line if there's a line or if we have to get a number ticket. We said it was a line. When the girl left with her pound of something, the lady moved to the right... a little. I thought she was getting out, then she ordered cole slaw. I was like, WTF?! GET THE FUCK OUT! I was about to say something, but John told me to let it go cuz it's Thanksgiving. I HAVE TO GET HOME AND EAT TOO, BITCH! Aghhhhh. I was going to say something, but John kept telling me not to and brought up how he got in trouble for speaking up to a cutter at Disneyland by my parents. I said, "Our parents aren't here!" But, he just wouldn't let me. Argh. I was really mad cuz that was the 2nd person to cut, and she ASKED US IF THERE WAS A LINE! ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?! I wanted to just smash the bottle of cider over her head. Eeee~! I just let it go, but I was pretty pissed. When we were in the next line to pay for our stuff, she was holding up the line cuz she was asking for extra stuff when she was supposed to order everything in the other line, and she pissed the cashier off too. -__- When she got out of line, I was standing in her way, but I finally let her out. I was thinking of saying something then, but since it was close to just getting out of that place, I didn't do anything. If that was the lunch line at school, I would've said something. -___-;; I wish I said something now, but man.. I don't have the guts to do something about everything. Like last week, there were so many people cutting in line at the lunch line. I've said something before, but that time, I just didn't. I was pissed then, too, that I didn't say anything. Sure, they were huge football guys and Mexican chicks with bad makeup, but that wasn't why. I've said something to Mexican guys and Asian chicks with no eyebrows who could've totally kicked my ass with their eyebrow pencils, but why couldn't I say anything now? >=[ Argh. [/RANT!] Anyway, other than that, my Thanksgiving was okay. We had it with Duy and his mom. Interesting, yet kinda odd. My mom gets along with people way too easily. I don't know how she does it. After eating, I just slept till we had to go to church, though I was still tired cuz I had trouble getting to sleep. Now, I'm just blogging. Pretty boring..
I also had a Thanksgiving meal yesterday with Tracy, Kris, Chris, Victoria, Cindy, and Thanh. We didn't cook much, but the things we did.. aiyah. Haha. Cindy and I totally ruined the crescents =D. They looked like little puffs after we baked them. Haha. I totally blamed Cindy and ran out of the kitchen though. Aw. Victoria made green bean casserole, but I only took one bite, and I couldn't eat it. Not that it wasn't good, I'm sure it was... I just couldn't stand the onion. SO MUCH! ONION BOMB! BAKUHATSU! After, we just stayed in my room and everyone slept except for Victoria, Kris, Chris, and me. We watched the last episode of Sad Sonata, and Victoria hated the ending. =] Later, Lisa came and stayed for a bit. After, Duy came and crashed on my couch.
Black Friday's tomorrow. I don't know if I'm going shopping or anything. I know my mom will want to, but man.. it's so early. x___x I don't like shopping either. I like getting stuff, but walking around malls and having to search everywhere... agh. I hate the mall.
I don't know if much has been going on lately. School is still boring. Photo is getting mucho boring. Japanese has been mucho boring. Blah.
Oh. I don't think I blogged about this yet, but for JLPT, Santa Monica was cancelled and it's San Francisco now. Still a bummer, but being the MASTER PLANNER that I am, we have awesome plans. Dim Sum > JLPT > Ghiradelli Square & Lunch > Karaoke (box)! > Dinner. Hah, Mr. Hall planned to go to Benihana. Stupidest idea ever. It's expensive and not that great. Plus, if we want Japanese food, why the hell would we go to franchisey Benihana when we can go to something else in Japantown? Idiot. Well, if people like Benihana, I guess they can do that, but that doesn't go with me. Yah, I kinda wanted to go cuz even if we spent the day together as a class, we'd just separate into groups with our friends, but the dinner would be as a whole class. But it doesn't seem like a good idea anymore, so we quit that. I really wanna go to Santa Monica still, but though I'd rather not believe it, like Tracy said, it wouldn't be as good as the first time. =/
KNOCK KNOCK! I wanna come in and make you love me.
Stars - One More Night
So, I think I'm getting sick again. For the third time. -____________- DAMN YOU, IMMUNE SYSTEM, AND YOUR NOT BEING IMMUNE! FUCKING OXYMORON! Gar. I only have a runny nose, but that leads to coughing. x_x Stars & Death Cab for Cutie tomorrow! Harry Potter on Thursday at midnight! :D Too bad Cindy's not coming with us to Harry Potter cuz she got tickets somewhere else. =/ But yes! I expect it to be a blazin' week. I want it to be a good week.
That sucked. It's like I'm pregnant. Dx
I don't know what else to blog about, but here's another iTunes visual!
This one is like the one from last time, but different colors.
I think this one's pretty cool. Reminds me of a cup of water with ripples, which makes me think of Jurassic Park.. >_>
Tilly and the Wall - Fell Down the Stairs
AGH! STUMMY ACHE! Why am I so paranoid? x__x
I just made a new buddy icon..
I like the reflection of the clouds in my lenses, but Cindy is just too hot. That pose on anyone else, I'd probably throw up, but this is hilarious.
Bwahhahaha. I hope this works. It's supposed to move..
EDIT: I guess it doesn't work. The other one works, but it's so huge for some reason. Click on it to see the right picture.
I think I'm gonna throw up. Dx Stupid banh cuon.
Murs - You And I
I'm about to sleep, but I kinda wanted to just blog for a second or so.
I haven't been listening to anything but Indie pretty much lately, but I listened to a lot of Hip Hop today. Good stuff, yet bad stuff. I was listening to Kanye West feat. Talib Kweli and Common - Get Em High, which I really like, but I hate Common so much in there. "Real rappers is hard to find like a remote... control rap is not a used soup it still got love".. Yah, he's just horrible in there. I don't really like him at all, but that's probably the worst I've heard from him. I was listening to lyrics more today. I just noticed today that in Mya - Late, she's talking about how she has yet to get her period and that the guy needs to take responsibility cuz she can tell by her body and that her PMSing (the kind during pregnancy) that she's pregnant. It goes on about how she is usually "on time" with her period. Interesting.
Murs is awesome. :D
I'm gonna get back into knitting.
I'm so obsessed with iTunes' visual effects that I take screen shots. ^^;
Purty, neh?
Photo is getting pretty boring, mang!
I'm stupid. Not ha-ha stupid (but I can be that too), but actually stupid.
FEAR! ><