(This song makes me wanna just... scream)
It's already February. Crazy. I hate how time goes by. T__T
Updates, updates. It's currently the season of Tet, as you probably already know. I didn't do anything. I went to church, and that's pretty much it. Boo. I don't know what's new.. actually, there's nothing. x_x Well, Duy's gonna be here for around a month coming this Friday. It's good since usually he only spends a week or something here then has to go back. Good stuff. Oh, I've started a little project. I'm trying to get the hang of vectors, and I have one in the works, but it's not from scratch. It's from an original picture. I'll put it up here once it's done. The main part of it's done, but it's not complete. Here's what a vector looks like:

Recently, I've been hating Photo. That class is so... repetitive and boring, but recently, I've rediscovered my love for photography. Sure, the class still sucks, but I'm going to try and be more creative with my assignments and see if I can have fun with it. You can't take the cameras off campus, so it's hard, especially when you go to a school like Silver Creek and not Evergreen. I'm one of those.. urban/ architectural photographers. I like finding odd ways to look at structures, but Creek doesn't have much variety with structures. -_- Well, I'm still gonna do that shit. :D
What else..... I really feel like giving up, like trying is useless. Eeegad... I know it's bad, but I just... gah!!
FANTASTICS. It's pretty good this year. People are cooperating, getting along. No fights yet, though I had a small one. Meh. I don't even know the storyline, honestly, but the general topic is Ancient Civilizations (formerly Ancient Cities, but got changed, so I think we totally copied EVHS. Oh well.). Seniors - Greece, us Juniors - Atlantis, Sophomores - Egypt, Freshmen - ...China. Haha. It feels like I posted something about this already. Blah. I think we're all idiots for not choosing Japan. I think that's better than all of them, but Egypt's pretty good.
Badminton is a no-no. The gym's all messed up from that day with 90 mph winds, but even before that, I decided not to join. I'm fed up with being on the team, and the team itself. They can fuck themselves. =]
I've been feeling pretty... x_X.
I want some noodles. I don't know what else to update, so later. I really should just sleep. Bood <3