So here's the quiz:
Put your music player on shuffle.
Press forward for each question.
Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. You'll be surprised though.
How am I feeling today?
Tilly and The Wall - The Freest Man
I guess I'm feeling free?
Will I get far in life?
Regina Spektor - Chemo Limo
Apparently not...
How do my friends see me?
Pierre-Jean Gidon - Just The Way You Are
Where will I get married?
Athletic Mic League - Trouble
I guess I won't get married. T_T
What is my best friend's theme song?
Snow Patrol - Ways & Means
So much for that. This is ending up to be a very sad quiz..
What is the story of my life?
Tilly and The Wall - Ice Storm, Big Gust, and You
It seems like my life isn't going to be all sunny days.
What was high school like?
Bright Eyes - Bowl of Oranges
Cuz it was fruity and juicy?
How can I get ahead in life?
Fall of Transition - Violent (Acoustic)
So.. kill everyone in my way?
What is the best thing about me?
Clazziquai - Flower
... My flower? I beg to differ.
What was today like?
Muse - Dead Star
I'm beginning to think that I listen to horrible music.
What is in store for this weekend?
The Pussycat Dolls - Wait A Minute
Seems like it means my weekend will get put off, unless I go by its lyrics and I'll be a gold diggin' slut. I don't know which I prefer.
What song describes my parents?
Taking Back Sunday - Eleven
If I go by the lyrics, it's pretty sad. " Maybe it wasn't good enough, but I gave you all I could."
How is my life going?
Phantom Planet - Rise the Setting Star
Seems like it's saying my life has been a waste of time. Eek.
What song will they play at my funeral?
Jimmy Eat World - 23
That makes me happy.
How does the world see me?
Maria Taylor - Speak Easy
As an honest person who can speak their mind? Though, this song is actually about love. Iono.
Will I have a happy life?
Natalie Imbruglia - Satisfied
That sounds good, though most up to this point hasn't sounded great. So, the song is actually about trying to be satisfied, and how it doesn't work out. Ah, that's more like it.
What do my friends really think of me?
The Pussycat Dolls - Don't Cha
Apparently, they don't think I'm hot like them, freak like them, raw like them, or fun like them.
Do people secretly lust after me?
Murs - Transitionz As A Ridah
I guess not.
How can I make myself happy?
Some song from the Love Story In Harvard OST
... Go to Harvard? Well, that sucks for me.
What should I do with my life?
Eric Benet & Tamia - Spend My Life With You
But just who is this "you?"
Will I ever have children?
Kanye West - Addiction
I guess I'm gonna have a whole bunch due to an addiction to.. sex?
What will you name them?
Say Anything - Spidersong
I have no clue how this makes sense.
Who will you marry?
Aaliyah - If Your Girl Only Knew
Even if I were lesbian/bi, Aaliyah's dead! ... So is it doom, or fortune? This quiz won't stick to one thing.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Dashboard Confessional - Rapid Hope Loss
I hate this quiz.
How will you die?
Snow Patrol - Chocolate
I don't get this either. I'll die.. trying to get back the one I love? ... Yeah, this quiz sucks.