Switchfoot - 24
I just came back from LA a couple of hours ago. I'm pretty exhausted. I wanna sleep and all, but I really should try to read. I'm not even CLOSE to being half done with East of Eden. I think the whole writing notes in it is slowing me down a lot cuz I have to think about what's not THAT important and what seems key. Gah. I like to just read and not stop. Stupid note taking, reading logs, and all that crap. I'll remember the book, dammit! East of Eden is interesting, but taking notes kills it. Iono why, but it reminds me of "Crash" a lot. They give you different people and how their lives.. intertwine. Also, that one part.. [SPOILER *highlight to read*] where Alice tells Adam after he almost gets killed by Charles that Adam just needs to know him. She told Adam about how Charles gave her all these small gifts that she didn't think he'd even notice. She said that she'd look at Charles for a while after finding them and he'd give no sign that he'd done it, but the whole time, it was actually Adam who had given here the cinnamon pinks, half a stick of sealing stuff?, a feather, etc. Adam didn't say anything cuz he didn't want to kill her image of her son. [/SPOILER].. This is also another spoiler, but for "Crash". I doubt anyone will watch the film cuz I don't know many people who are into independent films, so just skip it if you don't want to read. [SPOILER] At the end of "Crash", this detective has to take his mom to see his now deceased brother who was found shot and apparently murdered. The mom is crying like crazy, screaming out. (Note: Throughout the film, she tells her detective son to go and find his brother who ran away, not really caring for her son who was by her side.) After she stops crying and yelling, she tells her detective son that her son came back while she was sleeping and brought her some groceries. I can't really recall, but I'm pretty sure she blamed her detective son for his brother's death because he didn't bring him home. She did blame him though. Anyway, it was her detective son who threw away her old, spoiled food and replaced it with new groceries while she slept. He didn't tell her. I thought it was pretty sad. [/SPOILER] Yah... so, East of Eden is interesting. =]
Now! To recap my weekend in LA. It's going to be a long post x_x Gah.Friday: We were off to LA. It took us... maybe 8 hours? There was crazy
traffic. I hate how LA is built. It's built from the inside and spreads out, so everyone's heading inwards and there's no escape. When we finally reached our hotel, we were to go eat with a family friend. Ah yes, right when you think there's enough car action, they stuff you in another one. -_- We ate at a restaurant.. one of those places where they give you a set of different dishes (I think the place we went to was 7 Mon Bo, meaning 7 dishes of beef). It was okay, but the guy paid for us, so no complaining. It was just boring cuz they kept talki
ng and John and I just sat there. I did see this guy that looked okay, but I couldn't really see, so Iono. Mostly, I just kept on watching little kids run around or be handed around (you know how everyone wants to hold the baby -_-). I think that I think only Asian babies are cute. One thing I know is, I don't think white babies are cute. So yah, lotsa cute Asian babies and kids. "I thought you hate kids," you must be thinking. Yah, when they're annoying or something, then yes, I hate kids, but when they shut up and don't whine, then they're okay by me. When we got back to our room, we watched some TV, then slept. I shared a bed with my brother and he moves around like crazy. Not only that, he and my dad were snoring insanely loud. Thank God for my iPod.
Saturday: We went to
Disneyland. We rode the Jungle Cruise (there was a hot guy! you can see a little bit of his head in the picture popping out behind the guy in black), Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, Indiana Jones, Peter Pan, Snow White, some Buzz Lightyear ride, and some others I just can't seem to remember. There was a lot of jazz stuff going on. Bands, dancing, that sorta thing. There was this one college band.. man, that was really good. I always thought the cello sounded pretty, but this girl played this Duke Ellington song so w
ell and I wished I knew what a cello was when I was 5. DAMN! I could seriously learn to love jazz. HART! <3) I could really loves swing, jazz, and the blues. ^^ They also had these new mosaics that were made of pictures taken with guests. I thought they looked pretty cool. Anyway, we stayed at Disneyland for a really long time. We ate dinner there at the French.. something. It wasn't that great. =/ Disneyland is known to have really good food, but I guess we picked the wrong place. -__- They had good jazz music there, but MAN! There was this stupid white lady (yah.. damn racism) who was behind me in line. I just wanted to go back to get a cup of ice cuz the cashier said I could, and she gave me that look. You know.. that glare, or otherwise known as "dogging." Her husband was nice to me and I was nice to him when he accidentally got ice in my food. Beach! I didn't do anything to you and your husband got ice in my food, so who's the one that should be bitchy? She even pushed our trays aside. Things like that make me even more racist. Yah, I don't think it's a good thing, nor do I take pride in being racist, but man, it's just so hard for me not to think, Fucking white people. I'm not racist where I stereotype all white people, but when a white person pisses me off, which is often, I get racist. See, I didn't care about her husband. Nice guy, but she was such a prick. Gah. John ran into an asshole too. We were in line for.. Peter Pan, was it? This lady had two small kids and they ran in front of John and the lady went with them. Yah, if we weren't already in line, then it wouldn't be cutting necessarily, just cutting off, but we were in the rails and everything. John asked her if she would please not cut and gave him a look as if he were
rude. Wtf? (no, she wasn't white) My dad just told him to let her go first, but that lady glared at us as if we had done something wrong. I would've just let her go too, but the fact that she looked at us as if we were the ones who cut or something, that was pretty fucking stupid. GAH! STUPID PEOPLE ANGER ME! John did take it up the ass, but yah, he was made out to be stupid after saying something and having to back down. =/ I'd hate it too. Anyway (I get off track easily, huh?), we went on some other rides. My parents went on the carousel (I've never been on it, at least not that I can recall) and John and I waited. I was sitting alone and suddenly.. hot guy! He was by himself and by chance was standing in front of me. After looking at him a while, he looked at me. He walked back and forth by me. Yah, I should've gotten up and said something to him, but I've never done that sorta thing before. I'm a total n00b. =[ Then his family came and they walked away. I thought, DAMN! If only I said something! When my parents came out, we all walked toward some other ride and I saw him sitting on the side, looking at me. I doubt he was checking me out and only looked cuz we we
re walking by, but I yet again didn't go over to talk to him. Later, while my parents were watching FANTASMIC!, John and I went on the Pirates of the Caribbean and Haunted Mansion. We were totally dancing in our haunted buggy. It was kinda funny. After, we were just walking around, waiting, I saw another hot guy! He had a nice body and a good face, but he gave off a weird feeling. Maybe it's cuz he was wearing a wife beater, showing that he knew he had a nice body. I like guys who have great qualities, but don't flaunt them. Later, we got back to the hotel, I read more East of Eden, and slept to my blasting iPod.
Sunday: We went to Universal Studios. The first ride we went on was The Mummy, at least for John and I. I told my parents that they probably shouldn't go with us cuz I didn't know if it'd be too much for them or not cuz of my dad's back and my mom's being prone to motion sickness. We went and it was pretty goo
d. It's a ride mostly for film effects kinda stuff, but it does go forward and backward with some pretty sharp turns. I didn't think it was so bad, so I got my parents to go. when we were in the front of the line..
Worker: How many?
Dad: Three.
Worker: Row One.
Mom *walking hesitantly*: W..What? Row ONE?!
Me: .. It's okay.
We let her sit in the middle. Then.. off we went! When we stop the first time, it give the feeling that it's over, then it goes backward. When we were in the eclipse room where it ends, my mom was screaming, "Is it over?!" Yes, it was over. When we were to get out, my mom was frozen. I didn't see her face really, but my dad said she was in shock and her face was pale. He said the way she looked was scarier than the ride. That's pretty sad. =P When we finally helped my mom out of the entire building, she had to sit down, then lie down. My dad was trying to coax her, but he just kept laughing at her. It was pretty funny. x_x She kept on talking about it the whole vacation after that. After that, my dad and I went on Jurassic Park cuz my mom already went with my dad while John and I went on The Mummy the first time and John went while I was on the Mummy with my parents. My dad wanted to go again anyway, so we went. They added some new stuff, I think, like that car that leans over and drops. It freaked me out cuz it was right next to me. I thought, Oh, it's just going to lean over... OMG! WHY IS IT FALLING! AHHH! Yah.. everything was on my side. I got squirted and splashed by everything. We watched some shows (Waterworld was good) and just went on rides. We mostly went on those sit-in-a-moving-chair-with-a-screen-in-front-of-you rides, but it is Universal Studios, so it makes sense, right?
I don't think I'll ever finish this post. Too long. -_-
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