Yesterday was interesting. Sarah and I really don't like the YMCA's pool. When you open the door, all this hot, heavy air hits you, and the water isn't that refreshing. The night before, I got a call and was told that we were going to swim at Chris N.'s pool. After some delay, Cindy gave Tracy, Sarah, and I a ride. Cindy drives well, but she really doesn't know where she's going. When you go to someone's house, you know how to get out by going the opposite way, right? Cindy had no idea and had to ask every time where to turn which way. I found that pretty funny. We swam and did some stuff. When we finally decided to get out, we changed in Chris' place. It got pretty messy, but we cleaned it up a bit. Later, we went to drop off Sarah, and we went to La Victoria. We walked around downtown, then we went to drop off Thanh. We went around to random places and drove around cuz we had nowhere to go. We went down this straightwaway that people died at when they tried to race, and Cindy went down a supposedly haunted road. There were these huge dead birds on the side, then this truck was coming at us pretty fast. I don't think it's haunted, but it was freaky.. We finally decided to go to the lake. We hung out, then we had to drop off Chris. We drove up and down the same roads repeatedly cuz we had nowhere to go, but you know.. usually, if the driver doesn't know where to go, they just decide to turn in somewhere, but Cindy doesn't know where she's going, so she never turned unless we told her to. x__x haha. After going around and around, I decided to go home. After they dropped me off, my mom gave me a box of sample glasses to try on and see which one I liked. I couldn't decide cuz I didn't really like any... so I called Cindy, Tracy, Lisa, and Victoria to come over and help. They chose a red pair of emo glasses. I thought it looked okay, but it felt really weird cuz I don't think emo glasses look that good on me. They, my mom, and John said it was good, but I still felt weird about it. I was about to get this ugly pair of glasses cuz it wasn't emo and I thought it fit me a lot more. Anyway, they stayed till they realized it was 12 and left in a hurry. I stayed up a while trying to choose a pair, but I really didn't like any of them. I didn't want to be rude to my mom's customer by having her ask him to give her a 2nd box to try on, so I just decided to get the red, emo ones. This morning, my dad woke me up just to try them on. Even he said they were nice... but I still don't know. Oh well. I can always stick with my current, crooked, broken, too-tight-for-my-head-that-it-gives-me-dents glasses.. >_>
Today, I went to the Y with Sarah. We ran and just did some stuff while waiting for the Pilates class to start. When it started, we did the evil Downwar

That's all I did that's at least somewhat interesting lately.
It's August. No~!
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