JAPANESE LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY TEST! I LOVE IT! "Wha? You're excited about a test?! FREAK!" must be what you're thinking of, but no, that's not it. I don't love the test itself really, but the trip to Santa Monica is GREAT! Just looking at the site's FAQ makes me happy! I found my album from last year online. It's blazin'. OH MAN! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! SO MUCH I'M BLOGGING RATHER THAN STUDYING FOR MY TEST AND QUIZZES TOMORROW! I can't wait till we go. It was so fun. I'M S
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Stars - Calendar Girl
JAPANESE LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY TEST! I LOVE IT! "Wha? You're excited about a test?! FREAK!" must be what you're thinking of, but no, that's not it. I don't love the test itself really, but the trip to Santa Monica is GREAT! Just looking at the site's FAQ makes me happy! I found my album from last year online. It's blazin'. OH MAN! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! SO MUCH I'M BLOGGING RATHER THAN STUDYING FOR MY TEST AND QUIZZES TOMORROW! I can't wait till we go. It was so fun. I'M S

JAPANESE LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY TEST! I LOVE IT! "Wha? You're excited about a test?! FREAK!" must be what you're thinking of, but no, that's not it. I don't love the test itself really, but the trip to Santa Monica is GREAT! Just looking at the site's FAQ makes me happy! I found my album from last year online. It's blazin'. OH MAN! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! SO MUCH I'M BLOGGING RATHER THAN STUDYING FOR MY TEST AND QUIZZES TOMORROW! I can't wait till we go. It was so fun. I'M S
Friday, September 23, 2005
Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)
(Their album, Funeral, is pretty old, but it only got popular recently. I only heard it this year too.)
Yes! I'm alive and... kinda well. For those of you who didn't know, I was sick since Friday and still have a cough. I was out of school for two days, but I think I totally pwned that Calculus test other than that one problem. So.. minor pwnage, neh? =D I'M GETTING THAT B-, DAMMIT! Unless Guttal decides to grace us with her Ph D math skills. =[ Yeah.. MAJOR UPDATE SHIMASU! I feel good (just got home from hanging out =] ).
Friday... first, we went to Taco Bell! It was Cindy, Lisa, Dan, Victoria, Chris, Tracy, and I. After, Cindy and Lisa left while the rest of us went to Chris'.
I forgot what we did there, but I think Dan left at that point. The four of us went to that Shiek temple on the hill to look at the clouds cuz it was really cloudy and gray that day. (I look really short cuz I was trying to stick my ass out. har har.. but I am short =/ ) After that, we went to Marble Slab and got ice cream. Numm~ pop rocks, nuts, almonds (which are also nuts, but Chris chose to put them in), and raspberries in a banana split with mocha, mint chocolate, and vanilla ice cream. It was good, and the pop rocks surprised me cuz they were good too. OH! I THINK IT WAS AT MARBLE
Chris: Fatty says what?
Me: *full mouth* hmm? (didn't understand)
Chris: What? Aw shit!
(Their album, Funeral, is pretty old, but it only got popular recently. I only heard it this year too.)
Yes! I'm alive and... kinda well. For those of you who didn't know, I was sick since Friday and still have a cough. I was out of school for two days, but I think I totally pwned that Calculus test other than that one problem. So.. minor pwnage, neh? =D I'M GETTING THAT B-, DAMMIT! Unless Guttal decides to grace us with her Ph D math skills. =[ Yeah.. MAJOR UPDATE SHIMASU! I feel good (just got home from hanging out =] ).
Friday... first, we went to Taco Bell! It was Cindy, Lisa, Dan, Victoria, Chris, Tracy, and I. After, Cindy and Lisa left while the rest of us went to Chris'.

Chris: Fatty says what?
Me: *full mouth* hmm? (didn't understand)
Chris: What? Aw shit!
Haha. Hilarious. After, we went to Albertson's for Jell-O (we're pigs T-T). We made Chris get it, but he kept lagging. He was sitting on the hood pretending to strip >_<, and when he had his collar hanging on his glasses, a lady came by and he got all shocked and ran off. That was one of the hardest laughs I can recall ever having. While we waited for our dessert's dessert, we drove around the parking lot to confuse Chris when he came back. Victoria didn't have her headlights on, so some nice guy called out to us and said, "Your lights." Cuz he was so nice, we decided to .. go into Alberson's ourselves to look at him. Haha. He wasn't hot, but Tracy didn't see him, and she keeps saying she'll marry everyone. Later, we ate our Jell-O spoonless. I tried sucking it out and using my tongue, but it wouldn't work. Everyone else got it but me =[ . I know all of them have kissed people and I haven't, but jeez. We went to the basketball courts at Creek and laid on the bleachers. The moon was out, but floating through the clouds. =] We had a really interesting conversation on philosophy and all that stuff. It was really windy and cold and we stayed out there till about 10.. and so I got sick! =[
Saturday... oh! TET TRUNG THU! We went to the Moon Festival. It took a while, but we got there. We went to one downtown. It was okay.. they needed better booths. We tried to enter in a lantern contest, but the lady said there was only 15 minutes left, so we rushed. LIES! WE SO HAD MORE THAN 15
MINUTES =[! Yah, we lost. Oh well. After, we ate at Johnny Rockets and hung out downtown. Later,.. I think we went to get pie. We ate it in Cindy's car and just hung out. Blazin' stuff. Tuesday and Wednesday, I stayed home. Good times. =D Yesterday, I came back to school. Not fun. After school, I went to Victoria's for homecoming character tryouts. The theme is Disney. Seniors - Aladdin (I really like Aladdin), we Juniors - Snow White, Sophomores - Mulan, Freshmen - Cinderella. I tried out for a lot of parts cuz I couldn't decide which I wanted to be. I ended up being Happy. =] I'm choreographing the dwarves dance, so I thought being a dwarf would be better, and I did end up being one.
Today, I thought I'd totally fail the test in Calc like I did the last 2 (before I took the test, I had an overall 72.8% C). I want that B-! Then anything else I can get after that! In APUS, we had a code red drill. We would've died. Whenever we turned off the lights, some stupid girls would scream. They really were screaming, but... why o_O? It's not even freaky. Ah well. If it were a real one, maybe I'd understand, but it was a drill that Mr. G wanted to do, not the school one. Plus, he told us a day in advance or something. *shrug* In Photo, ... I don't even wanna type it all up, but to sum it up: I accidentally messed up someone's photo paper cuz someone left something from the period before. If they just said something, I would've given them photo paper even though it was an accident cuz it's about 40 cents a sheet. Whatever. Instead, bitch decides to run around the darkroom yelling and whining about her photo paper getting fogged and how she's SO PISSED. Oh no. Her 40 cents. What EVER will she do?! People were asking her who fogged it, and I was just minding my own business, but I assume she pointed at me. I didn't look cuz I don't give a shit. If it's over something like that, come up to me and tell me. This girl.. no one likes her and she craves attention, so she had to get the approval of everyone who thought she was a victim or something before talking to me. Finally, she comes up to me, not even explaining the situation cuz I didn't know, and just asks, "So are you going to give me photo paper?" I asked her for what and she gives me all this 'tude. Biiiiiiiiiitch. Is Michelle gonna have to choke a bitch?! Eh. Not like I could fit my hands around her quintuple chins. So she made a big deal over nothing, ran around whining, and finally asked me. I think that before she even asked me, she messed around with my enlarger, so I kept having to redo what I was working on, wasting even more photo paper in this stupidass, trivial happening. FUCK! I WANNA KILL HER! Yah.. that made me mad cuz people thought I was a total bitch cuz of her. Whatever, but jeez, ALL THAT OVER 40 CENTS WORTH OF PAPER! When I got out of class, oooooooooo!!!! FEAR ME! GAH! I JUST DIDN'T WANNA MAKE IT WORSE, BUT I COULD'VE TOLD HER HOW FUCKING STUPID SHE WAS! She's probably the stupidest person I've ever met, especially for failing Geometry 3 times and still taking it her Senior year. AHHHH! Yah.. let's move on to better things before I develop a new scar.

SO! Chris had his 2nd birthday party today at his house. I got to go to this one even though I still have a cough =]. It was fun. One thing that stands out in my head, especially cuz Victoria just sent me pictures, is when we wore Chris' clothes. Oh god. My outfit was worst. All baby blue sweat set. We had to take a couple pictures to get this right cuz we kept laughing. Jeez. I look like an idiot. AND IT WAS SO HOT IN THOSE! (click to enlarge)

Victoria always has her camera ready. Blazin'. At least my day ended well.
I love comments, except for the spam ones.
Saturday... oh! TET TRUNG THU! We went to the Moon Festival. It took a while, but we got there. We went to one downtown. It was okay.. they needed better booths. We tried to enter in a lantern contest, but the lady said there was only 15 minutes left, so we rushed. LIES! WE SO HAD MORE THAN 15

Today, I thought I'd totally fail the test in Calc like I did the last 2 (before I took the test, I had an overall 72.8% C). I want that B-! Then anything else I can get after that! In APUS, we had a code red drill. We would've died. Whenever we turned off the lights, some stupid girls would scream. They really were screaming, but... why o_O? It's not even freaky. Ah well. If it were a real one, maybe I'd understand, but it was a drill that Mr. G wanted to do, not the school one. Plus, he told us a day in advance or something. *shrug* In Photo, ... I don't even wanna type it all up, but to sum it up: I accidentally messed up someone's photo paper cuz someone left something from the period before. If they just said something, I would've given them photo paper even though it was an accident cuz it's about 40 cents a sheet. Whatever. Instead, bitch decides to run around the darkroom yelling and whining about her photo paper getting fogged and how she's SO PISSED. Oh no. Her 40 cents. What EVER will she do?! People were asking her who fogged it, and I was just minding my own business, but I assume she pointed at me. I didn't look cuz I don't give a shit. If it's over something like that, come up to me and tell me. This girl.. no one likes her and she craves attention, so she had to get the approval of everyone who thought she was a victim or something before talking to me. Finally, she comes up to me, not even explaining the situation cuz I didn't know, and just asks, "So are you going to give me photo paper?" I asked her for what and she gives me all this 'tude. Biiiiiiiiiitch. Is Michelle gonna have to choke a bitch?! Eh. Not like I could fit my hands around her quintuple chins. So she made a big deal over nothing, ran around whining, and finally asked me. I think that before she even asked me, she messed around with my enlarger, so I kept having to redo what I was working on, wasting even more photo paper in this stupidass, trivial happening. FUCK! I WANNA KILL HER! Yah.. that made me mad cuz people thought I was a total bitch cuz of her. Whatever, but jeez, ALL THAT OVER 40 CENTS WORTH OF PAPER! When I got out of class, oooooooooo!!!! FEAR ME! GAH! I JUST DIDN'T WANNA MAKE IT WORSE, BUT I COULD'VE TOLD HER HOW FUCKING STUPID SHE WAS! She's probably the stupidest person I've ever met, especially for failing Geometry 3 times and still taking it her Senior year. AHHHH! Yah.. let's move on to better things before I develop a new scar.

SO! Chris had his 2nd birthday party today at his house. I got to go to this one even though I still have a cough =]. It was fun. One thing that stands out in my head, especially cuz Victoria just sent me pictures, is when we wore Chris' clothes. Oh god. My outfit was worst. All baby blue sweat set. We had to take a couple pictures to get this right cuz we kept laughing. Jeez. I look like an idiot. AND IT WAS SO HOT IN THOSE! (click to enlarge)

Victoria always has her camera ready. Blazin'. At least my day ended well.
I love comments, except for the spam ones.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Nothing At All
Death Cab for Cutie - I Will Follow You Into the Dark
(I know everyone likes this song, but I guess I'm just a sucker for acoustic)
I have pretty much nothing to do. Of course, I could do my last homework then get ahead on other things, but it's just a Thursday. I thought I had a lot of homework, but I realized our vocabulary is due next week, so I could've went to the free Acceptance concert with Kim and Tracy would've came. =/ Curses. Oh well. Too late for that, I guess. The new OC season premieres today, but I don't watch the OC. *shrug* Just never did. Today is going to be a very boring day..
School was boring, as always. There were some interesting things though:
-English isn't about English, I think. It's more like a philosophy class. Blah.
-In Japanese, Hall was saying something about something being easy. I don't remember, but he said it was as easy as addition in elementary and wrote this on the board: |+|=2. Being the stupidass I am, I was thinking, That's not elementary school level! Wtf?! Absolute Value?! .. Then I find out it's 1+1=2 and it's like, how the fuck do you mess that up? Yah, people laughed at me, but jeez, I seriously thought it meant "absolute value of T equals 2." -___-;
-We made our first photogram in Photo. I don't like mine cuz I put too much on there. I didn't know what to do and I didn't bring anything in, so I practically threw it on there.
There's my glasses, a penny, a nickel, a pencil, my iPod earbud, and a ruler. If I took out 2-3 things, it might've been better, but it just has too much. Eh, making it was interesting though. I just hate how crowded it is in the darkroom. People just keep the tongs too, and it's like, Dude, you can get it back later. I need it now, dammit. Also, how everyone just crowds around the wet area... step back and just wait! You have to wait for a couple minutes anyway! Blaaah. Well, that was interesting.
I have nothing to do. Jeez.
I'm starting to suck at Japanese.
(I know everyone likes this song, but I guess I'm just a sucker for acoustic)
I have pretty much nothing to do. Of course, I could do my last homework then get ahead on other things, but it's just a Thursday. I thought I had a lot of homework, but I realized our vocabulary is due next week, so I could've went to the free Acceptance concert with Kim and Tracy would've came. =/ Curses. Oh well. Too late for that, I guess. The new OC season premieres today, but I don't watch the OC. *shrug* Just never did. Today is going to be a very boring day..
School was boring, as always. There were some interesting things though:
-English isn't about English, I think. It's more like a philosophy class. Blah.
-In Japanese, Hall was saying something about something being easy. I don't remember, but he said it was as easy as addition in elementary and wrote this on the board: |+|=2. Being the stupidass I am, I was thinking, That's not elementary school level! Wtf?! Absolute Value?! .. Then I find out it's 1+1=2 and it's like, how the fuck do you mess that up? Yah, people laughed at me, but jeez, I seriously thought it meant "absolute value of T equals 2." -___-;
-We made our first photogram in Photo. I don't like mine cuz I put too much on there. I didn't know what to do and I didn't bring anything in, so I practically threw it on there.

I have nothing to do. Jeez.
I'm starting to suck at Japanese.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Heart Ache
Tilly and the Wall - Bessa
School. No fun. Mr. G's cool, but most of the time, he's talking about other kinda irrelevant things. Guttal is crazy. I never know exactly what we're doing. We're doing warm-ups, suddenly we're on notes, then we're on homework or something. Ack. I just got frustrated today cuz I got 5/7 on our warm-up/ quiz thing from yesterday. I thought I got a 6, but for the problem asking for intercepts, I did put the one y-intercept, but I didn't say there was no x-intercept. If the problem specifically says to "List the intercepts", I could easily argue that it said nothing about listing the non-existant intercepts. So I got a C on that. Grrr. My English teacher, Voss, is.. interesting. I just like the class cuz I just talk in there. Even when I'm not talking, it's not boring, but I never seem to have homework in that class. I know there's stuff we should be doing outsid of class like keeping a notebook about random things, but Iono, I just never think of it. Then, I have Cervantes. He's nice and all, but he jsut keeps talking about irrelevant crap 90% of the time. Although he does find a way to link it together, he just talks too much. He wanted us to have open minds, so he gave us a billion examples of what pre-destination means, although everyone knew what it was already. Even if someone needed and example, one is enough, but he insists on talking and talking. I hate asking him questions cuz I just ask him something simple, and he talks forever about nothing to me -_-. He's.. cool, even if he does have those gay twitches (not gay in a derogatory way, but he does that.. gay twitch that makes me laugh in a totally positive way x_x). And yes, I do know he's gay, but I find it weird cuz why do gay people have to act... gay? But that's going off topic. Japanese... man! That used to be a fun class, but now, he just talks sooo much. I know it's cuz he wants us to get better at listening to the language, but when he repeats everything over and over, I get so bored. I know it's in case we don't understand, but I just sit there in the back, and this is the 2nd to last period of the day for me, so I'm getting tired of just listening and not doing anything. Last year, we got to talk a lot, but we learned effectively. Blah. It's just so boring this year. We finally got to play Kanji Swat today though. I pwned the other person.. for once. -__-; Last, and probably least, Mr. K. He's cool and all, no doubt about that, but it's so boring. We just sit there and.. pretty much do nothing or wait for him to regain his memory. >< That's pretty much how my school day goes every day. If not for us going out during the school days, I'd probably be dead to the world by now. Thank God we have Labor Day Weekend. What's awesome is that new policy: For every Monday off, the Friday previous will be a mini day. So we have a mini day this Friday. =D Good stuff.
My heart hurts a lot lately. No, not the corny emotional way, but seriously, it hurts. It gets tight and.. Iono how to explain it, but it hurts. I had this before, but now, it's recurring pretty often. It's not heartburn or anything either. I'm just walking along, then ow. =/ I think I should get it checked, but I never really think to do it. I know I'm being stupid, but I don't think this is normal. What if it's some sort of disease or something? That'd be pretty... strange. x_X Hrm.. Vanessa had some heart thing before, maybe I should ask her what her symptoms were and see if it's the same.
It's still hot these days.. which makes me wanna go beaching! T___T
School. No fun. Mr. G's cool, but most of the time, he's talking about other kinda irrelevant things. Guttal is crazy. I never know exactly what we're doing. We're doing warm-ups, suddenly we're on notes, then we're on homework or something. Ack. I just got frustrated today cuz I got 5/7 on our warm-up/ quiz thing from yesterday. I thought I got a 6, but for the problem asking for intercepts, I did put the one y-intercept, but I didn't say there was no x-intercept. If the problem specifically says to "List the intercepts", I could easily argue that it said nothing about listing the non-existant intercepts. So I got a C on that. Grrr. My English teacher, Voss, is.. interesting. I just like the class cuz I just talk in there. Even when I'm not talking, it's not boring, but I never seem to have homework in that class. I know there's stuff we should be doing outsid of class like keeping a notebook about random things, but Iono, I just never think of it. Then, I have Cervantes. He's nice and all, but he jsut keeps talking about irrelevant crap 90% of the time. Although he does find a way to link it together, he just talks too much. He wanted us to have open minds, so he gave us a billion examples of what pre-destination means, although everyone knew what it was already. Even if someone needed and example, one is enough, but he insists on talking and talking. I hate asking him questions cuz I just ask him something simple, and he talks forever about nothing to me -_-. He's.. cool, even if he does have those gay twitches (not gay in a derogatory way, but he does that.. gay twitch that makes me laugh in a totally positive way x_x). And yes, I do know he's gay, but I find it weird cuz why do gay people have to act... gay? But that's going off topic. Japanese... man! That used to be a fun class, but now, he just talks sooo much. I know it's cuz he wants us to get better at listening to the language, but when he repeats everything over and over, I get so bored. I know it's in case we don't understand, but I just sit there in the back, and this is the 2nd to last period of the day for me, so I'm getting tired of just listening and not doing anything. Last year, we got to talk a lot, but we learned effectively. Blah. It's just so boring this year. We finally got to play Kanji Swat today though. I pwned the other person.. for once. -__-; Last, and probably least, Mr. K. He's cool and all, no doubt about that, but it's so boring. We just sit there and.. pretty much do nothing or wait for him to regain his memory. >< That's pretty much how my school day goes every day. If not for us going out during the school days, I'd probably be dead to the world by now. Thank God we have Labor Day Weekend. What's awesome is that new policy: For every Monday off, the Friday previous will be a mini day. So we have a mini day this Friday. =D Good stuff.
My heart hurts a lot lately. No, not the corny emotional way, but seriously, it hurts. It gets tight and.. Iono how to explain it, but it hurts. I had this before, but now, it's recurring pretty often. It's not heartburn or anything either. I'm just walking along, then ow. =/ I think I should get it checked, but I never really think to do it. I know I'm being stupid, but I don't think this is normal. What if it's some sort of disease or something? That'd be pretty... strange. x_X Hrm.. Vanessa had some heart thing before, maybe I should ask her what her symptoms were and see if it's the same.
It's still hot these days.. which makes me wanna go beaching! T___T
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