(I know everyone likes this song, but I guess I'm just a sucker for acoustic)
I have pretty much nothing to do. Of course, I could do my last homework then get ahead on other things, but it's just a Thursday. I thought I had a lot of homework, but I realized our vocabulary is due next week, so I could've went to the free Acceptance concert with Kim and Tracy would've came. =/ Curses. Oh well. Too late for that, I guess. The new OC season premieres today, but I don't watch the OC. *shrug* Just never did. Today is going to be a very boring day..
School was boring, as always. There were some interesting things though:
-English isn't about English, I think. It's more like a philosophy class. Blah.
-In Japanese, Hall was saying something about something being easy. I don't remember, but he said it was as easy as addition in elementary and wrote this on the board: |+|=2. Being the stupidass I am, I was thinking, That's not elementary school level! Wtf?! Absolute Value?! .. Then I find out it's 1+1=2 and it's like, how the fuck do you mess that up? Yah, people laughed at me, but jeez, I seriously thought it meant "absolute value of T equals 2." -___-;
-We made our first photogram in Photo. I don't like mine cuz I put too much on there. I didn't know what to do and I didn't bring anything in, so I practically threw it on there.

I have nothing to do. Jeez.
I'm starting to suck at Japanese.
hi michelle, i guess i read your stuff a lot. this makes me want to blog.
people need to start leaving comments. they are fun to read.
yah. i like it when people comment.
Helloo, sorry took so long to comment lol.
Ah, it's not an upside-down car XD;; it's actually a boat. It was the boat we took to the island/shore thing that we went to. And those legs? Those are Rachel's LoL.
Man, I wanted Photo so badly. But noo~ I didn't get it, and they wouldn't let me change it. Curse them..!!
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