(I love this song. I imagine girls rocking out to it in ballet. It'd be awesome if this kinda song was the song to dance to for the "all girls dance" in FANTASTICS. And you know there's always one that's at least mainly meant for girls. Some might argue it's too slow, but I think slower songs aren't that much more difficult to make a routine to.)
So, it's semester break, which means a 4 day weekend. Therefore, I don't have school tomorrow, which I didn't know until going out with some people today. Otherwise, I'd be sleeping, dreading tomorrow's return to hell, but no! I found out I don't have school! Yay. It's so much better that I didn't know and found out. Now, I'm so happy, but this won't last a day.
What's been going on lately?... Finals. That's all that needs to be said. ='[ The awful breakdown of my grades for this semester without the +/- cuz I don't know them (ughhhhhhhhhhhh. Makes me want to stab my eyes out.):
APCalc AB - D..
APEng Lit - B
Physics - A (not sure cuz of the final..)
Japanese - B.........................
Photo - A.
APCalc AB - D..
APEng Lit - B
Physics - A (not sure cuz of the final..)
Japanese - B.........................
Photo - A.
I'm mostly disappointed with my Japanese grade, surprisingly. It should be an A, but I guess I realized too late how much I actually didn't know. I herefore vow to do at least 3 assignments of hw a week, and to .. DUN DUN DUN! STUDY! Yes. I no longer rock your world Japanese-wise. =[
Other things.. hm. Not much has happened, I guess. I think I've been getting pretty emotional lately. I don't know. Maybe the stress from finals got to me.. I don't know. I just feel pretty worthless sometimes. I don't hate living, but my life would be put to better use if I gave it to someone else. Whenever I think this, it makes me want to try more and more not to be so fucking pathetic. To anyone who reads this, please motivate me. I don't really like talking about this stuff, but just knowing that someone supports me in my attempt to be a better person, it'll make me try harder and it'll remind me of what I'm trying to do. I don't know. Say, "Fuck yeah, Michelle!" or something. A heart in there wouldn't hurt. =T
Today was the first time this weekend we went out. Crazy, huh? We went somewhere Friday, but it doesn't really count. Today, we went to the lake after stopping by Lunardi's, then to Q-Cup (dang fobs.. I thought the cigarette smoke would smother me to death.), then made our way around to pick up Lisa, and lastly to Victoria's to watch Love Me If You Dare. I liked it for the most part, but as it neared the end, it got too fucking insane. Crazy bitches. I liked the first half though.
Hrm.. anything else that's happened since I last blogged? Oh. I still don't have my iPod. I called Apple today, and they said that I have to wait cuz they're going to put a tracer on it now and e-mail me every three days, and if nothing happens, I'll get a replacement. Grrr. It's taking forFUCKINGever. =/ I spend forever on the computer just listening to music. x_x
Other small updates: oppa's coming back to the states (in fact, he's on his way already); I somehow ridiculously owe someone something that shouldn't be paid till a long while from now; I'm pretty set on trying out for Japan Bowl; I have been thinking of things I shouldn't be thinking... and now, I'm just rambling on to try and get things to put in here. Blah!

yes thats a very nice heart you got there =P
hi michelle! i dont think i've ever commented you soo
FUCK YEAH! <3? heart?
uhh yeah im bored x_x
nice picture u got there
bigger smiles
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