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I'm Alive
The Ken Oak Band - The Biggest Problem
(Check them out at and buy Symposium)
Yeah, it's been a very long while since I've updated this thing. Spring break's almost over, and I'm not gonna try and update for the past months. I'll just post about what I've done this week.
Almost every day, I went to tutoring for Calc AB at school (so much for spring break, eh?) to do multiple packets and such. It wasn't that bad since we were only doing hw and doing it at our own discretion (at least for the most part). The only crap thing was how long it really took. By the end of it, everyone was just sick of math. Even multiplying was strictly out of the question.
Last Friday, when spring break first started, I went home to sleep while everyone went out. I was sick (and still am a bit) and tired, but I woke up later and met them up at a park where we played at a playground. After, we went to Milpitas Golf Land. It's been very long. I played the motion sensor games, of course, including Para Para
Paradise. I failed after Popteen. Shameful, I know. Cindy and I tried finding the DDR machines, but we could only find this rip of DDR, In The.. something 2. I don't remember, but it sucked. Death to it. On our way out, we spotted the DDR machines in the food area. We didn't expect it to be there. Tricky bastards. After that, we went to Chris' and just hung out.
Hmm.. Tuesday, I asked some people to go swimming at Chris' apartment. When we finally got in, it was ICE COLD.
We didn't swim for even 10 minutes. I sort of got used to it, but I was still pretty cold, so I got out, and we all ended up just playing some games and doing nothing. After, I went to Eastridge with Chris and Kenneth, then did some more nothing.
Wednesday was the BBQ. We couldn't think of any nice parks with BBQ grills, so we ended up going to Lake Cunningham.
I hated that place, and after the BBQ, I hate it more. To get to our table, you had to cross a field of mud, geese, geese crap, water, and fruit fly infested mud and geese crap. The picnic itself was okay. We finally decided to get out of there and play at a nice park. We went to the park we went to on Friday
and after some water balloons, had a fun game of football. It was girls vs. boys, tackle. We didn't really tackle each other though, it was more.. just jumping on each other, I guess. It was fun though. I didn't even do that much, but I managed to get two bruises on my right arm. (You can't really see it in the picture, but eh.) The one on my forearm, I got from trying to block/ kinda stiff-arm Kenneth, and the other is a mystery.
The next day, I was sore, like everyone else. I was still sore till Friday, but I think I'm fine today. After, we went to my house, but I fell asleep. When I woke up, they were ready to leave. I'm a horrible host, I know.
Friday, Kim and I went to SJSU to watch The Ken Oak Band perform at Relay for Life. It was a free show. Before they performed, there was a hip-hop group. They were alright, I guess, but I wasn't really paying attention, so blah. When we first got there, I spotted Ken Oak, the singer, cellist, and other guitarist. I tried to talk to him, but I didn't know if I was bothering him and I was pretty nervous, so I just said I'd come watch him later and left. Of course I left after taking a picture with him.
When we took the picture, he sort of fell/ leaned on me. I realized he had a cane to support him and help him walk. I didn't get to ask him what happened though. At the start of the performance, it was just these two guys, Kim, and I. The guys were wearing brown and Kim and I were wearing green. We could've made a tree. :D I talked to the guy next to me. He seemed nice, but when I asked if he'd sing along, he said he wasn't a bopper. I don't think that's bopper o_O. And he actually did sing along later. Pretty silly. During the performance, he was switching from his guitar to the cello (or was it the other way around..), and he sort of landed on his leg I guess, and I noticed him wince. He had to pause for a while, then he started to play. Must've been bad, whatever his injury was, but I saw no cast. Anyhow, their show was really good.
(I like the picture of them performing cuz they're both really into it :D) It matched the weather. It was off and on sunny, but calm. At one point, it was sprinkling while it was sunny. It was real movie-like weather, and their music is very mellow, so Kim and I were really just enjoying the whole show. I think one of my favorites was the first song they performed, "Summer Kisses," which is to be on their next album. It was about stars, galaxies, sky, stars, and stars. :D Just a lot of pretty lyrics. Ken Oak sang so prettily and I just kept watching him during the cello solos. He's really passionate when he plays, and this was just at a show with not even 10 people attending. Ed Gorski, the main guitarist who is left-handed, was the more comedic of the two during the performance. They're both pretty hot, talented, passionate, and just nice. At the end of the show, it was pretty much just those two guys, Kim, and I. People came and went in between, but at the end, it was pretty much just the four of us. After the show, I got to talk to Ed a bit and we took a picture. I didn't get to talk to their booking guy, Pete, but he's nice too (e-mail). Kim and I didn't have anywhere to go before the Key Club convention, so we stayed a bit. There was a lady showing people how to swing dance. By that point, Kim and I were known as the "two girls in green" or "the St. Patrick girls" or something. I don't know, but people needed partners and they also wanted more people to join in. We just weren't up for it, I guess.
Even Ed told us to go swing as he was putting away equipment. Maybe I would've if I got to swing with Ed, but nah. I was still sore that day too. After a while, we left and headed for convention. We ended up just going up to our friends' hotel room. We ate their food and watched a movie while they were at convention, then Tracy, Dan, Kenneth, and Sarah snuck out. We hung out, Victoria came, we played a game of "I've never.." (1st: Sarah, 2nd: me, 3rd: Victoria; we were supposed to give them a dare, but the losers tried to reverse it on us and said that since we didn't do anything, we should be given the dare, so it ended with nothing being done by either sides), the rest of the people got out, hung out, Larry Bach came, hung out, got in trouble for being loud, dropped Larry off at his hotel, played Cranium, and went home. I got home at about 1:30 AM.
Today, I woke up at 3 PM after going to sleep at 5 AM (yeah, I shouldn't be blogging at 2 AM -_-), did some homework, and watched Silent Hill. It was pretty bad. I laughed at the corny, redundant lines, the simply stupid lines, and the bad acting. I think I jumped once, and that was relatively in the beginning. It was just when Rose, the mother and main character, tripped on a sewer cover or something. That was pretty much it. -_-
Now, I'm blogging. My spring break was pretty good overall. I'm content with it as it is, but I'm not content with how the end is coming. =( I hate school. I won't ever, ever love it. Tch. I may miss high school when I'm out, but I still won't love it.
Anyhow, I should go sleep and dream of Ken Oak Band, not Silent Hill. =( Sure, it wasn't exactly scary, but I don't like monsters nonetheless.
I don't know if I'll update soon after this, but check if you please.
hi.o =D yeah silent hill had bad acting but i kinda enjoyed it, i knew it wasnt going ot be scary... but it had its good part all in all i think it was an OK movie. sounds like ur spring break was cool =P a lot better than mine, hehe well i guess ur firend wanted to go out unlike mine!!! =P well keep postin i like readin ur blog =D
Ah, your spring break sounded good :D.
Yeah, I don't really like Lake Cunningham either... It's not exactly the most beautiful thing out there.
I thought the trailor for Silent Hill was pretty creepy, but I haven't seen the movie yet =/.
one day i am gonna be SO GOOD at para and you and i can BATTLE!
that anonymous was totally me
Cool blog!! I laughed at how bad Silent Hill was too. You've made me want to go swimming, lol!
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