First song to play on my Pandora. Somewhat fitting, at least the title is.
Wow, I haven't been on this thing for a long ass time. It's been almost a year since my last post. After reading Larry's blog, I felt like posting. *shrug* I guess I've changed a lot in a year. I should have, at least. My last post was such a downer.. Well, I don't plan on keeping this long, so maybe I should skip all the updates and go over my Halloween night. It'll probably a more interesting read for Larry, the only person who would read this. :]
The place was packed! I had to excuse me-sorry my way through many rooms and hallways, one in which I got fingered. Some sick bastard decided to just run his finger up my skirt. [TANGENT&RANT] I swear I knew who the fool was as it was happening to me. There was a guy close to me, creepily staring at me as it happened as if he was waiting for a positive reaction. I should've just punched the 3 guys (alright, maybe it was a girl.. whatever.) closest to me, but I just decided to move through the crowd. [/END TANGENT&RANT]
Despite all the people, I didn't meet many new people; I just hung out with the people I already knew from middle and high school, most of whom were the hosts. I'm usually very social at parties, but I guess it's because I have a shorter attention span when I drink, so I just talk to whoever's next to me. I met some of Larry's Oakland friends. One was a guy named Hieu who I talked to while getting jungle juice (and having strangers spill it all over me). He was grinding on me earlier that night (yes, greatness.. -_-). He was kind of cute, I think. I can't really remember now, but what I do remember is my friend, Simrunn, catching up with me, standing in between Hieu and myself, talking to me a lot about who knows what, Hieu eventually walking away, and my getting cockblocked (or.. kittyblocked, rather. whatever.) I thought that was a little funny. At the end of the night, all we exchanged were names and and a hug. Disappointing.
What was also funny, and a little awkward, was Robert Chao hitting on me. Yup. I honestly see him as a brother at most. He was wrapping his arms around me and saying I was his main girl and that he no longer had a girlfriend (which was a lie, haha). I think it was a mix of him being drunk and my costume being somewhat of a catalyst, not to say it was great, but it called for some of that attention, I guess. Everytime a guy said he liked it or that he loved me, I just replied, "Yah, I know." I don't like to stop for fools.
I surprisingly had a lot of fun. The surprising element is that I was sober. Sober fun at a party. I probably would have had a lot more fun if I drank.
This post was long. I give up.
yay for sober fun!
did that finger - in the least bit - feel good?
haha I kid..(maybe..)
speaking of kid, I see you've struck quite the conversation with Oakland ;)
more lies I want to hear!
no, that finger wasn't enjoyed at all -_-
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