(I love DOA!) The guitar for this = love.
So, I was preparing for tomorrow cuz I'm supposed to bring pencils for everyone supposedly. The erasers on my no. 2 pencils suck, so I was digging around for erasers in my desk drawers when I ran into some studio pictures I took back in 8th grade. That was about 3 years ago, and yet, I look older then than now. Well, not really, I guess. I don't know. It just looks so weird cuz it doesn't look like me. Well, it looks like me, but how I look doesn't look like me... o_O

Blah. I wish I were younger. I'm not old, but things were so much simpler when I took this picture. =/ Damn, but I'm pretty happy with how things have changed. Not school-wise, but ... I guess, life-wise. I don't think I've matured by much since I feel that I've been pretty mature since elementary (C'mon. I knew about sex when I was 4). I'm really happy with the friends I have now though. They feel like "The Ones." Haha. But one of them needs to shut up cuz she keeps saying that in one year, we'll split up and never talk again. T__T It's so sad.. I don't want to get older! Gah.
I should get to sleep. I have to wake up in 7 hours for my test, and I'm gonna be damn tired and fall asleep during choukai (listening). =___=; Wish me luck! Again!
Maiasa wa sore mitai dattara, ureshii.
I'd be happy if every morning was like that.
dude, michelle, i took like, the exact same studio picture in 8th grade.
it's the eyebrows.
that's what makes you look older.
i will show you when you're online because this similiarity is fucking weird
haha, similiarity.
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