(can't stop listening to it)
I've been obsessing over some stuff lately, like this song. I keep listening to it over and over. When the chorus gets strong, I imagine jumping off a building head first, and just falling. It's not a song you commit suicide to, but rather, the chorus makes me feel like flying, kinda.

I've also been watching a lot of k-drama lately. Just one in particular, really: My Lovely Kim Sam Soon (My Name Is Kim Sam Soon). Good stuff, man. I'm almost done with the series. :D I've also been looking up a lot of pictures of the guy from MLKSS, Jin Hyun(?) (real name: Hyun Bin). Wa~! So.. hot. x_x Yah, I'm one of the rare Asian girls who actually like Asian guys, it seems.
I guess these aren't obsessions as much as they are complaints. I watched The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe yesterday. I was

I had another small obsessive complaint, but I forgot it as I thought of that movie. -__- Terrible.
cheer up michelle..maybe some Halls will help your irritated throat
hope you get better :)
Ahh! I thought The Chronicles of Narnia was good x_x! Memoirs of a Geisha.. THAT was bad :D
Haha, yeah it seems that all asian girls go for white guys.
Proud to be in love with the guy from MLKSS, right? xD
He's HOT... too bad he's sorta
5-10 years my senior. T_T
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