Thursday, December 01, 2005

This Makes Me Happy

I'm doing my essay, and I decide to check my away message. 10 messages from Victoria o_O? What eeeez eeeet?

orphanescapie3: hey
Auto response from Mi Xao ngon: awkrjyawbkrj wrjk
orphanescapie3: i didnt get to tell you my dream today
orphanescapie3: me you n lisa were all at some park
orphanescapie3: and there was this fence
orphanescapie3: and behind it were a bunch of penguins
orphanescapie3: and i was wondering why there was no water
orphanescapie3: and we were like omg why arent we on the other side of the fence playing with them?
orphanescapie3: so we walked around the whoel park to get to them
orphanescapie3: and we shook their hands
orphanescapie3: it was the cutest dream ive ever had

I laughed when I read that. That is insanely cute. I'd be so happy if we got to do that. I love Victoria. She's had the best dream with me in it so far. Tracy's dream of me a year or so ago was horrible. Everyone died cuz of me; cuz I didn't love Eminem back. >____>


Anonymous said...

how come i don't remember that dream? cindy had a dream that mr. hall had hair.

Anonymous said...

Hi.o lol that sounds like a fun dream. For a loser heh j/k =P well just postin on ur blogg! ttyl mixao Bye