Saturday, April 29, 2006

I Need To Stop

This Day and Age - History is Falling for Science

After going to Eastridge with my mom today, we
ate at In-N-Out. I told my mom to get a table, and when I found her after getting a drink, I wished I chose the table and she got the drink. She chose a table next to a couple of girls who were talking loudly and it wasn't a nice place to relax, which was what my mom had in mind cuz only I was eating, but she wanted to eat-in anyway to just hang out. While my mom and I were eating and talking about summer and trips (Japan :D, possibly Europe next year, L.A. this year cuz of my uncle and his family, blah), I constantly heard the girls next to me cursing and... just being stupid. For example, they were talking about.. iono, probably making out or something, and they were talking about how their lips were big in a positive way. I looked over and saw one pouting her lips and using her hands to make them poutier as she talked about how they weren't thick, but they were nice or something (many "or something"s cuz I didn't exactly want to listen, but how could I not when they were saying it for everyone to hear and I was right next to them?). Man, how self-centered can people get? I tried to just keep talking to my mom to tune them out (and hopefully mute them for my mom), but contantly, they kept talking aloud about boys, how they drink (and drive simulaneously. Idiots.), how they do drugs, etc. I really should've just moved, but I don't know. I just didn't. *shrug*

I really don't want to be racist, but whenever I run into this kind of stuff... well, how can I not be? It's always the same people. I'm not saying only this ra
ce of people get drunk and get high, but only this race of people talk about it so stupidly. (I heard a part about how one of them drove home drunk, got home drunk, and talked to her parents drunk. Stupid.) Or, maybe it's just that only this race can manage to piss me off so damn easily. (I was annoyed prior to looking at them, but right when I looked at them, it just justified both my feeling of annoyance and my racism.)

I got my passport today. FUCK! WHY CAN'T PEOPLE GET MY NAME RIGHT?! IT'S FUCKING MICHELLE THIEN HUONG DUONG! How the fuck do you mess that up? What's more, how the fuck do you mess up only my middle name, but not my last name? My name appears as "Michelle Thienhoung Duong." And since when did my middle name become one word? Can't they see the fucking space in between?! Jeez.

Hmm.. I think I'm pissed cuz AP's are this week.


Yamapi <3>


Anonymous said...

that dude looks like a chick >_>
hi Michelle I haven't talked to you in a while

Anonymous said...

oh snap. how long did it take you to get your passport? did you go to that place in morgan hill? i haven't gone yet, and i plan on going wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Ahh! Happy belated birthday :D;; May it be filled with... I dunno. Happiness and all that good stuff! =) Sorry, I'm a little drowsy right now. My comment would be better otherwise, I swear! Anyway, yeah. Have a good one! :D