Bloc Party - This Modern Love
Yesterday, Tracy, Lisa, Victoria, and I went downtown, but we once again came when it was closed. Actually, we had three minutes.. but that's not so much better. T__T We watched "Must Love Dogs" at Camera 12, but we were a little late. It was okay. I didn't expect much, cuz I just wanted to see it for John Cusack pretty much. He looked kinda tubby in there though. *Shrug* We were pretty much the only ones in the theatre except for maybe one person. It's cool if Camera 12 gets customers and all... but MAN! I'm still grr about how they're mostly playing Hollywood movies. Hopefully they get more customers who watch independent movies so they have more. I wanna watch "Murderball", dammit! It always takes them forever to get out the good ones (i.e, "Saving Face" and "Crash"). I can't believe they played "Sharkboy & Lavagirl" er whatever over those. Insane. Anyway, after the movie, we went around, got lost, and ate at The Old Spaghetti Factory. I've never been there... but I remember a couple years back, I was supposed to go with someone, but it never happened... =T Anyway, after that, we were walking around and I used that public toilet for a quarter. It was okay.. I didn't make contact with anything in there, but the cool thing was the faucet. I was reading the instructions and stuff, but I didn't really get it. It went on and water came out, but it was soapy, then it changed into just plain water, then the dryer came on (and if you're not done washing everything off, the water's still on for a bit =D). I thought that was pretty cool. (AHH! THERE'S A SPIDER IN MY ROOM!..) After that, we were at the park and we were going to go somewhere else, then there was a bum following us, talking to us. None of us said anything, but we turned and tried to cross the street. While we were waiting for the walk sign (There was a cop. Damn..), the guy came over again and looked us all over. Eegad. He walked over to me and started talking. He asks,..
"You guys aren't from here, right? Are there lights and things from where you're from?"
(pause.. I'm tempted to talk to my friends in Vietnamese to pretend I don't speak English, but he probably heard us speaking English when he was first following us.)
I say, "Yeah, I guess."
"Are you Japanese?"
"No, actually, I'm Vietnamese."
"Oh. I don't know what it is, but Asian women drive me crazy.."
(Light turns green.. Everyone walks away really quickly and I don't notice, then I power walk to catch up cuz I don't wanna be alone with the crazy guy.)
He said other stuff I can't really remember like how Asian women are really pretty or we were pretty.. Iono. The weird thing for me is, I didn't really care about talking to him (although that part about Asian women driving him crazy was pretty creepy), but what really got me.. irritated was how he thought we weren't from around there. Dude.. none of us even looked close to being fobs or something. I guess I just found him really ignorant and stupid for asking if places like "where we come from" actually have lights. Jeez. It's as if he thinks we come from Chinky Cave and we're Chinky Cavewomen who have come bearing sex. To add on, he was wearing a hat with stars and stripes. Freaking cracker. Racist, you say? Yes.. yes I am, dammit, but at least I'm not racist AND entirely ignorant. After that incident, everyone said they wouldn't have talked to him if he talked to them. I don't mind talking to people, but it probably isn't smart, huh? Well, the way I see it is, if I didn't talk to him, he could've been one of those guys who get mad when you ignore them and do something crazy. Plus, I felt kinda bad for the guy cuz no one really talks to bums. However, it was disgusting and annoying. We're not even legal. x____x Disgusting, really disgusting.
I don't know what it is. I always feel like I'm rambling now. I guess I'm just not a good talker. *Shrug* Whenever I feel like going to someone with problems I can no longer hold in, I tend to talk about it a little, then try to change the subject. I'll talk about it a little, change the subject, talk about it a bit again, then try to talk about something. Even on the phone.. I was never a phone person, but sometimes, I'll have a really good conversation, then other days, I have nothing to talk about and it's really spastic. I think the most articulate state I have is when I'm half-asleep, talking to someone, or maybe it's just cuz I love doing that. Talking to someone half-asleep and being half-asleep gives me a relaxed,.. honest feeling.
ZOOM! meemmolrliieks.